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2024 AGM

Welcome to the repository for the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) related documents. This section houses a comprehensive collection of vital reports and accounts pertinent to our organization’s activities and performance throughout the year 2023. As we convene for the AGM, shareholders, stakeholders, and interested parties must have access to a thorough understanding of our operations, achievements, challenges, and financial standing over the past year.

2024 AGM Agenda
The agenda for the 2024 Annual GEnral Meeting of the Council of Archaeologists.
Annual Report 2023
Our 2023 Annual Report provides a comprehensive overview of our organizational performance, strategic direction, achievements, and milestones throughout the year. It highlights key initiatives, projects, and developments undertaken by our company across various sectors, serving as a testament to our commitment to excellence and sustainability.
Annual Account 2023
The Annual Accounts for the fiscal year 2023 offer a detailed financial snapshot of our company’s operations. This document includes balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and other financial disclosures, providing stakeholders with a transparent view of our financial health and performance.
AGM Report 2023
This report encapsulates the proceedings and outcomes of the previous year’s Annual General Meeting. It offers insights into decisions made, resolutions passed, and discussions held during this crucial event, providing stakeholders with transparency and accountability regarding corporate governance.