We are deeply saddened to inform you of the demise of Dr Siran Upendra Deraniyagala (1942-2021), former Director General of Archaeology (1992–2001) in Sri Lanka, today. He was a founder member of the Sri Lanka Council of Archaeologists (SLCA) (Parliament Act No 4 1992) and the 7th President of the SLCA.

His passing away marks the end of an era of Sri Lankan Archaeology and an irreplaceable loss to South Asian Archaeology in general. Many colleagues and students of Dr Deraniyagala are deprived of paying their last respects and recording their messages of condolences due to the prevailing Coronavirus Pandemic restrictions. However, our appreciation of his immense and immeasurable contribution to the field of South Asian Prehistory/Archaeology should not go unrecorded. Therefore, SLCA requests you to kindly record your messages of condolences and appreciation in this google form.
Thank you.
Sri Lanka Council of Archaeologists
Department of Archaeology
Sir Marcus Fernando Mawatha Colombo – 07
Sri Lanka.